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Adopt a College Kid

July 16, 2024 - August 1, 2025

Welcome to "Adopt a College (Aged) Kid." As our students transition from childhood to adulthood, we want them to know that they are loved and supported by more then just their biological families. We want them to know that this community of believers at Grace Evan is for them. We want them to see what it means to be the church through prayer, fellowship, support, and even gifts. Your main responsibility will be to pray regularly for your students. We also encourage you to pursue a relationship with them. And, we send them one care package a year.


You are not alone in this endeavor. Anna Whitten and Julianne Scholes will be coordinating these efforts and helping you along the way.  Once you sign up, you'll receive information about your student (or young adult who may not be a student.) You'll also receive guidelines and suggested steps. It is not designed (or even intended) to be a big commitment financially or time-wise. Anyone can support one of these kids!


While we hope that these young adults are responsive to our efforts (and we will encourage them to be,) our efforts are not dependent on their response. We want to love as Christ has loved - faithfully and sacrificially. 


There are a few things to keep in mind.

  • We don't want to pair up parents with their own kids. (They are already supporting them.)
  • You can sign up for more than one. (That would actually be helpful. We have between 160-200 college aged kids associated with Grace.)
  • The initial commitment is for one full year, but we hope this connection that will maintain throughout their "college years."


We hope that you can see and grasp the vision of being the church for our students. May God richly bless our efforts! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns, anna@graceevan.org

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