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JH Fort Bluff 2025

June 3, 2025 - June 7, 2025

What? This is the registration for the 2025 Jr. High Summer Retreat at Fort Bluff. This trip is designed to provide middle school students with life changing truths from God’s Word, provide opportunities for students to build and deepen friendships, and do all sorts of fun activities which include waterfalls, hiking up trails, ‘fun-yakking’ down the Hiwassee River, exploring Downtown Chattanooga and much more.  

Where? Fort Bluff is in Dayton, TN right outside of Chattanooga.  

Who? Students who have just completed 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. 

When? We will meet at Grace Evan on Wednesday, June 4th at 7:30AM and return to the church on Sunday, June 8th at 3:00PM. Anela will email updates throughout the trip. 

Cost? Early bird registration is $365.00. before March 23. It will then increase to $385.00. The cost of this trip includes: lodging, transportation, 11 meals, T-shirt, rentals, and other camp fees. Since we will stop for lunch on the drive to and from Fort Bluff, students need to bring additional cash to purchase two fast food meals. They can also bring money for the Fort Bluff shop which has snacks and merchandise. A $100.00 deposit must be paid upon registration. The remaining balance of $285.00 ($265.00 for early bird) is due by Wednesday, June 4th. If you want to pay by check, please make it out to Grace Evangelical Church. 

Payment Amount

Amount to Pay Now: $   (Minimum: $100.00)

Registrant Information

Student First Name*
Student Last Name*
Student Grade*  6th
T shirt size*  Adult Small
 Adult Medium
 Adult Large
Family Insurance Carrier*
Policy Number*
Family Physician*
Family Physician Phone Number*
Emergency Contact Name*
If you are invited by a friend who are you coming with?
Emergency Contact Phone Number*
Allergies/Medical Information*
Medication taken during trip*
Rank the activities that your child would like to participate in for Thursday and Friday:
Hike 1: Piney Falls*
Hike 2: Fall Creek Falls*
Hike 3: North Chick Blue Hole*
Downtown Chattanooga*

Terms & Conditions


In consideration for being allowed to participate in activities sponsored by Grace Evangelical Church, I hereby release discharge, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Grace Evangelical Church, its Elders, Staff, or other agents for any and all liability for personal injury, loss, illness, damage, or accident that I might encounter in association with their ministry including but not limited to mission trips sponsored or facilitated by Grace Evangelical Church.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Grace Evangelical Church, its Elders, Staff, or other agents from any claim and/or damages it, or its agents are required to pay as a result of any injury or damage including reasonable attorney fees, litigation expenses and court fees.

I am volunteering to participate with Grace Evangelical Church freely and without undue influence. I further acknowledge and understand that my participation with Grace Evangelical Church, including traveling on a mission trip whether internationally and/or domestically, includes risks and possible dangers. I understand my participation also exposes me to such risks as accidents, disease, war, terrorist attacks, political unrest, kidnapping, injury and other calamities. Further I agree to hold blameless Grace Evangelical Church, its Elders, Staff, or other agents for any delay, cancellation or irregularity in schedules or travel plans.

I assume any such risks that might result in my participation with Grace Evangelical Church, including, but not limited to, travel on mission trips, and I unconditionally agree to hold Grace Evangelical Church, its Elders, Staff, or other agents blameless for any liability concerning my personal health and well-being, or any liability for my personal property that might be lost, damaged, or stolen, whether such property is traveling with me or remaining, while I am participating with Grace Evangelical Church, including, but not limited to, traveling domestically and/or internationally.


All the medical information on this registration form is complete and correct. I, the undersigned, hereby authorize the staff of Grace Evangelical Church to act as my agent to consent to medical, surgical, or dental examination and/or treatment or care at any hospital.

In case of medical emergency Grace Evangelical Church or its agents are authorized to take such measures and arrange for such medical and / or hospital treatment as deemed advisable for my health and well-being. I accept all financial responsibilities concerning any medical emergencies. I release Grace Evangelical Church, its Elders, Staff, or other agents from claim or liability due to sickness or injury.


By signing this form, I also acknowledge that Grace Evangelical has advised me to see my doctor and get all necessary vaccinations and medications for diseases for which I am at risk during this trip as listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov. I am also aware that in order to have the most benefit, it may have been necessary to get certain vaccinations weeks or months in advance. I understand that it is my responsibility to share my travel plans with any doctors I am currently seeing for other medical reasons.


I agree that my child could possibly be sent home at my expense for bringing, using, or having any of the following items: alcohol, tobacco products, fireworks, or any weapons. I also give the staff and leaders permission to send my child home at my expense for any behavior they feel is disruptive and/or inappropriate.

  By checking this box, you agree to be legally bound to the above terms & conditions.
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